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The Official Web Site of the State of South Carolina

Contact SCDJJ

NOTE: DJJ staff should submit internal concerns through the agency's HR portal.
 Email or PhoneInformation and Online Submissions
Public Information media requests should be made to the Public Information Office. Please do not contact staff directly. 
Freedom of Information Act
Citizen Commendation and
Youth and Parent this form for medical requests, youth grievances, and family support
DJJ Public Safety Tip Line (phone)(866) 313-0073The purpose of this tipline is to gather information on a crime or suspicious activity that may be related to DJJ. It is important that you provide detailed information on the suspicious activity you have knowledge of so the incident can be thoroughly investigated. Important details would include: date of the activity, location of the activity, physical identifiers of the actor(s), and a description of vehicle(s) involved.
DJJ Public Safety Dispatch 24-hour(803) 896-9100