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The Official Web Site of the State of South Carolina

Career Readiness

For many youths prosecuted and incarcerated in the criminal justice system, life during and after release is challenging. Research shows that lack of employment is one of the biggest predictors of justice system involvement and unsuccessful re-entry. Criminal charges can be detrimental to future employment. However, over the past few years, a growing number of businesses have been recognizing the potential of these formerly incarcerated youth and giving them a chance.

Both education and workforce development are fundamental in preparing youth to successfully enter the labor market. With the right resources and opportunities, the course of a young person's life can be changed.

The mission of the Career Readiness Program is three-fold:

  • Prepare work ready, justice-involved youth with the skills necessary to thrive in their workplace & in life.
  • Introduce work ready youth to relevant and diverse career fields as well as educational opportunities to empower their career development paths.
  • Support work ready youth in the pursuit of sustainable employment and continuing education

Developed in collaboration with community partners, the Career Readiness Center (CRC) provides ongoing education and employability support services to DJJ youth on probation, parole, or in committed status. The CRC is a multi-use facility that houses classroom and meeting space designed to provide amenities that enhance the learning experience. The facility is equipped with video conferencing, video projection, smart-board technology, and a conference room for meetings and other training. A major goal of the CRC is to provide training to as many youths as possible regardless of where they are physically located in South Carolina. 

Services We Offer

With a focus on work-ready student ages 16+, the Career Readiness Center offers services in the following areas:

  • Employment/Career Support
    • Soft Skills Training
    • Application and interview assistance
  • Education Support Services
    • GED and tutor coordination
  • Financial Literacy
  • SC DMV ID & permit (age restrictions apply)

Community Partners

The CRC has partnered with numerous federal, state and community partners to provide opportunities for education, training, credentialing, and employment.