Welcome to the Parent Support section of the South Carolina Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ).
We understand that having a child in the juvenile justice system can be a challenging experience. DJJ is here to provide parents and guardians with the resources, guidance, and support you need to navigate this process and help your child succeed.
Key Resources for Parents
Youth Rights and Responsibilities
Understand the rights your child has while under DJJ supervision and their responsibilities to meet program requirements.
Understanding the Juvenile Justice Process
Learn more about what to expect during your child’s time in the juvenile justice system, including court proceedings, detention, and rehabilitation programs.
Get BRRC - specific information
Most of the youth in DJJ’s facilities are housed in our secure facilities, including evaluation centers, pre-trial juvenile detention facility and our long-term commitment facility.
In Person Visitation
We know that keeping our youth connected to their families and creating a network of support inside and out of our facilities is vital to their overall rehabilitative progress. Please see these guidelines SCDJJ In-Person Visitation for designed to maintain the health and safety of all who enter our Broad River Road campus.
Visitors are allowed to see DJJ youth during the specified visitation hours. All visitors must be on the pre-approved visitation list, which is established by the DJJ Community Specialist or Probation/Parole Officer. Visitors are not permitted to smoke on DJJ property. All tobacco products, matches and lighters are contraband (see additional contraband items below). No outside food or drinks are allowed.
Each of our five secure facilities have unique visitation guidelines. See right sidebar for each facility's visitation guidelines and contact information.
Approved Visitor List and Identification Card
- All visitors, regardless of age, must be listed on juvenile's approved visitor’s list.
- No family member or other person will be allowed entrance into the facility that has been prohibited or suspended from visiting.
- Visitors 13 years of age or older must have a picture identification card and be listed on the child’s approved visiting list. An identification card may be a driver’s license, state government issued identification card, military identification card, student identification card, S.C. Bar card, or DJJ volunteer card.
Registration Upon Arrival
- All visitors will turn in their personal vehicle keys at the facility admission area upon registration.
- DJJ Youth are not allowed to receive property or packages during visitation.
- Visitors will not be allowed to bring purses, bags, etc. into the facility. Personal belongings must be locked in vehicles.
- Visitors will be required to empty the contents of their pockets for inspection.
Location Guidelines
For all locations:
Visitation is limited to parents/guardians, grandparents, siblings, and people identified as natural supports who are 18 years of age or older.
Detention Center
One (1) hourly visitor per visitation date
Visitation Hours
Visitation Hours: 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm; 2:30pm – 3:30 pm Wednesdays
Coastal Evaluation Center (CEC) and Upstate Evaluation Center (UEC)
One (1) hourly visitor per visitation date
Visitation Hours
2:00pm – 3:00 pm Wednesdays
Coastal: 843-900-9010
Upstate: 864-424-8175
Midlands Evaluation Center (UEC)
One (1) hourly visitor per visitation date
Visitation Hours
1:00-2:00 and 2:00-3:00 on Wednesdays.
Midlands: 803-896-7478
Broad River Road Complex (BRRC)
We welcome visitors. Family visits are very important to our youth. Immediate family members (parents/guardians, step-parents, foster parents, siblings, step-siblings, half-siblings, maternal and paternal grandparents and great-grandparents, a spouse of the youth (proof of marriage), and children of youth (birth certificate required) are all encouraged to visit youth in residence. An immediate family member under the age of 18 may visit with an approved adult visitor.
Though we welcome approved under-18 visitors, please know that visitors are fully responsible for supervising children they bring with them, and children must remain directly with the visiting adults at all times. Infant care items are allowed but limited to 1 clear bottle, 2 disposable diapers and individual wipes all stored in a clear plastic bag with a zip-top closure. No other items may be brought in without approval.
If the youth is in isolation or other specialized housing, visitors may be limited to the parents/guardians only.
All visits are for two hours. We may at times have clinical staff or other facility staff check in with you to see if there are any areas of concern we should know about.
You must complete a Visitation Form. The link to it is here: The link to it is here: South Carolina Department of Juvenile Justice Youth Visitation Request Form
JDC Satellite at BRRC
Visitation is limited to parents/guardians, grandparents, siblings and people identified as natural supports who are 18 years of age or older.
Visitation Hours
One (1) hourly visitor per visitation date
Visitation Hours: 9:00 am – 10:00 am; 10:30pm – 11:30 am Saturday and Sunday
Approved Visitors
Even if you fall into the location’s “allowed visitors” list, you must also be on the individual’s pre-approved visitor’s list, which is established by the DJJ Community Specialist and Probation/Parole Officer.
You will not be allowed entrance if you have been prohibited or suspended from visiting.
Any visitors age 13+ must have a picture ID. Acceptable picture IDs include:
- Driver’s license
- State government issued identification card
- Military identification card
- Student identification card
- SC Bar card
- DJJ Volunteer card.
Upon Arrival
You must register upon arrival to the facility. Any bags or purses must be locked in your vehicle and keys must be turned over upon registration. You will be required to empty the contents of your pockets for inspection.
Legal and licensed weapons are not allowed on DJJ property. Visitors possessing legal weapons will be instructed to park off-property.
If you have a life-saving medication, you can bring it into the facility. It must be declared at registration, be in its original prescribed package with your name on it and be in a clear plastic bag with a zip-top closure.
Visitation Rules
All visitors need will abide by the South Carolina Contraband Law as follows: South Carolina Code of Laws Section 63-19-1670 provides that: it shall be unlawful for any persons to furnish or attempt to furnish any juvenile under the jurisdiction of the Department of Juvenile Justice with any matter declared to be contraband. It shall be unlawful for any juvenile under the jurisdiction of DJJ to possess any item declared to be contraband. Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a felony and, upon conviction, shall be punished by a fine of not less than one thousand dollars nor more than ten thousand dollars or imprisonment for not less than one year nor more than ten years, or both.
It is unlawful for any person to furnish or attempt to furnish any juvenile under the jurisdiction of DJJ with any of the below items.
- Weapons and any devices that may be used as a weapon, including but not limited to firearms, knives, blades of any and all descriptions, clubs, billies, or any other articles that may be used for offense or defense.
- Illegal drugs and medicines that have not been prescribed by a physician.
- Drug paraphernalia.
- Any and all types of alcohol and any liquids containing any concentration of intoxicating alcohol.
- Poisons or other chemicals.
- Flammable liquids of any type including, but not limited to gasoline, kerosene, and lighter fluids.
- Locks and keys.
- Tools of any kind, including pocketknives.
- Money or any money instrument, including checks, money orders, credit cards, and telephone cards.
- Writing markers, ink pens and materials other than a black lead pencil.
- Medicine, syringes, and needles.
- Tobacco products and materials.
- Matches, lighters, or any type of igniting devices.
- Electronic devices, computer materials, videocassettes, televisions, or any other technological communication equipment.
- Any type of devices with audio/video recording capability, cameras (video and still) or any equipment capable of photographing.
- DJJ computer printouts, carbon paper, and other confidential office materials.
- Pornographic materials.
- Any toxic, caustic, or flammable material.
- Gang-related materials.
- Tattooing devices, inks, toners, markers, or any other material used for tattooing.
Legal and licensed weapons are contraband and will not be allowed on DJJ property. Visitors possessing legal weapons will be instructed to park off DJJ property. Items declared by a visitor that have been designated as contraband at DJJ must be secured inside the visitor’s locked vehicle.
Dress Code
Visitors will wear appropriate clothing acceptable to facility standards and will observe the following requirements:
- Shoes are required at all times.
- Shirts/blouses will either be tucked in, or be long enough to cover the tops of pants/skirts. Shirts/blouses may be sleeveless, but must cover up to within 3 inches of front and back of neck.
- Shorts/dresses/skirts must be at least one (1) inch longer than where the person’s middle finger rests while standing with arms at sides.
- Clothing materials must not be transparent.
- Clothing with printed derogatory statements or pictures and gang oriented clothing (bandanas, colors) are prohibited.
- Halter tops, tube tops, bare-midriffs, biker shorts, spandex shorts and tight fitting or revealing clothing are prohibited.
Visitors with Disabilities/Lifesaving Medication
Visitors requiring lifesaving medication will need to declare the medication at registration. Medication will need to be in its original prescribed package with the visitor’s name and placed in a clear plastic bag with a zip-top closure. Visitors with disabilities may request special accommodations for parking through the Facility Administrator prior to visiting.
Special Visits
A special visit may be provided due to special circumstances that prevents visiting during regular visitation times. Contact the child’s assigned Social Worker to arrange a special visit outside of normal visiting times.
Parent Support at DJJ
Welcome to the Parent Support section of the South Carolina Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ).
We understand that having a child in the juvenile justice system can be a challenging experience. DJJ is here to provide parents and guardians with the resources, guidance, and support you need to navigate this process and help your child succeed.
Key Resources for Parents
Youth Rights and Responsibilities
Understand the rights your child has while under DJJ supervision and their responsibilities to meet program requirements.
Understanding the Juvenile Justice Process
Learn more about what to expect during your child’s time in the juvenile justice system, including court proceedings, detention, and rehabilitation programs.
Sending Mail
Youth at our secure facilities are encouraged to write to family. We also encourage families to write to their children. Mail is not censored, but we do open mail and check for items that they cannot have.
Sick Call Request
Parents may submit a request for a medical examination or for family support via our Sick Call Request Form. Note: This form can also be used to submit a grievance.
Medical Requests, Youth Grievances, and Family Support
Youth Grievances and Family Support
Welcome to the Youth Grievances and Family Support page of the South Carolina Department of Juvenile Justice.
We are dedicated to advocating for the well-being of youth under DJJ supervision by providing a fair, confidential, and impartial process for addressing complaints and concerns. Whether you’re a youth, a family member, or an advocate, we’re here to listen and work toward solutions.
What We Do
The Youth Grievances and Family Support team works to:
- Advocate for Youth: Ensure youth concerns are heard and addressed fairly.
- Investigate Complaints: Look into complaints thoroughly and impartially.
- Support Families and Advocates: Serve as a resource for family members, legal representatives, and others advocating on behalf of youth.
- Facilitate Resolution: Help resolve issues through communication and collaboration with all parties involved.
How to Submit a Grievance or Concern
We’ve made it simple for youth, families, and advocates to report concerns. When contacting us, please provide:
- Your Name
- Your Phone Number
- Your Relationship with the Youth
- Youth’s Full Name
- Youth’s Complete Date of Birth
- Youth’s Current Location (facility, program, etc.)
- A Brief Summary of the issue and any steps already taken to resolve it.
Ways to Submit a Grievance or Concern
Grievances may be submitted through any of the following methods:
- Telephone: 803-896-5943
- Email: letstalk@djj.sc.gov
- Mail: Address your letter to:
Youth Grievances and Family Support
1711 Shivers Road Building 5006 Columbia SC
The Youth Grievances and Family Support unit is committed to supporting youth and their families by ensuring their voices are heard and their concerns are addressed promptly and fairly.
Next Steps
What happens after I report a grievance?
Every grievance is reviewed and assessed. A return phone call is made to anyone who contacts Youth Grievances and Family Support to inform them of actions taken to resolve an issue or address a concern.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who can submit a grievance or concern?
Grievances can be submitted by youth under DJJ supervision, their family members, advocates, or other individuals acting on their behalf.
What happens after I file a grievance?
Once your grievance is submitted, our team will review and investigate the matter. We will contact you if additional information is needed and provide updates as the case progresses.
Can I submit anonymously?
Yes, but providing your contact information helps us investigate and respond more effectively.
What if the issue isn’t resolved?
If a resolution cannot be reached, additional steps may include mediation or a review by senior staff.
- When should I contact the Office of Inspector General?
Before contacting the OIG, you should try to resolve the complaint through the DJJ grievance process with Youth Grievances and Family Support. If you feel you have a legitimate concern about the care and safety of a youth to include physical and sexual abuse, threats, harassment, medical or mental health treatment, please contact Youth Grievances and Family Support for immediate assistance.
Many concerns can be addressed by the youth's social worker or the Facility Administrator. If you need further help, the Office of Youth Grievances and Family Support will make every effort to address your concerns.
The OIG shall not be used to by-pass or avoid using the grievance process. If you have attempted to resolve your complaint with DJJ Staff and/or Youth Grievance and Family Support Department and did not reach a satisfactory resolution, then you may submit your complaint by written letter or by calling the Office of Inspector General. Once your complaint is received and reviewed, the Office of the Inspector General will further assist you and make every effort to address your concerns.
- What happens after I report a grievance?
Every grievance is reviewed and assessed. A return phone call is made to anyone who contacts Youth Grievances and Family Support to inform them of actions taken to resolve an issue or address a concern.
- Will I or a youth be targeted for filing a grievance?
No one can intimidate or retaliate against you for making a grievance. If you feel you are being targeted, bullied or harassed for filing a grievance, report any retaliation and/or intimidation to the Director of Youth Grievance or the Office of Inspector General’s Office immediately.