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The Official Web Site of the State of South Carolina

DJJ School District


About the Birchwood School District

The South Carolina Department of Juvenile Justice operates its own school district with fully accredited academic and career and technology education programs, serving approximately 500 students in grades 4-12. All youth in DJJ’s care attend school while detained or incarcerated.

DJJ schools function similarly to others in South Carolina. There is a district superintendent, principals, teachers, directors, and program coordinators. DJJ schools differ from other state public schools in that they are in session year-round (enabling students to make up absences and close learning gaps). DJJ’s school district has no local tax base, relying exclusively on state and federal funding. Classes are geared to meet the individual needs of each student.

The DJJ school district is responsible for all educational programs operated by the agency, including those in private vendor programs and alternative school sites in community residential placement facilities. Youth committed to DJJ can earn either a high school diploma or a GED. DJJ’s school district also offers students a variety of CATE courses, extensive special education services, the nation’s first Army JROTC program in a juvenile correctional facility setting, media centers, career development centers, and guidance counselors. DJJ graduates receive a quality education and are equipped to pursue their post-secondary education and career goals.

2024 graduate


Proviso 1.3 - School Budget

According to Proviso 1.3 – Pursuant to Section 59-20-80, each school board of trustees must make available by September first each school year its annual budget that includes state, local, and federal investments in education. The budget must be available on the district’s website. The department, in collaboration with local school districts, will provide a template that each district must use in reporting its budget.

SECTION 59-20-80. School budgets must be made public; itemization of salaries.

Notwithstanding any other provision of law, each school board of trustees in this state shall annually make available to the general public its budget for that year, which budget shall include an itemized list of the average salaries paid to the superintendents, supervisors, administrators, principals, consultants, counselors and teachers employed by the district. No state aid shall be given to any school district whose board of trustees fails to comply with the provisions of this chapter.

Download and view below:

Proviso 1.3 - School Budget

School Records Requests

To obtain school records for students currently or previously enrolled in the SCDJJ School District, complete the appropriate form below in its entirety. For students or parents, the completed Request Form should be returned with a copy of your State Issued ID or Driver’s License. For Public Schools, please complete the appropriate form, including your District-issued email address. This information may be emailed to or faxed to (803) 896-5953.  Please allow at least 48 hours for processing of your request. 

For former students more than 19 years of age, submit your request to our Archives Department via email at

Student Records Request Form (PDF)
Former Student Records Request Form (PDF)


DJJ District Report Card

SCDJJ District Report Card


South Carolina Department of Education School Report Card Website

SC Schools Report Card Website


2024-25 State Assessment Schedule

2024 -25 State Assessment