Opened in 2012, the “Store of Hope” is a youth-driven retail store for the South Carolina Department of Juvenile Justice, focused on providing specialized trade skills and job-readiness training to young people in long-term commitment with the Agency. The program’s philosophy is rooted in the name itself and is driven by those with a concern for at-risk youth – staff, volunteers, and community partners – who are committed to Helping (H) Others (O) Prepare (P) for Employment (E).
DJJ offers several educational-curriculum programs, such as welding and horticulture, along with other work programs like upholstery and Young Craftsmen. The programs offered at DJJ’s Broad River Road Complex in Columbia provide youth with practical job experience and specialized vocational training.
Our Store of Hope promotes and sells the youth-made items - custom-painted metal Palmetto trees, Adirondack chairs, decorative tiles, wooden bowls, restored furniture and more. Money from all sales is then invested directly back into the vocational programs.
Make a Purchase with a Purpose!