The South Carolina Department of Juvenile Justice is proud to unveil a new Agency logo, color scheme, and external website.
For two decades, SCDJJ has operated under the familiar red and black logo. As the Agency evolves and improves in how it serves youth, families and communities across South Carolina, the time has come to reshape our identity and develop branding more up-to-date with our Mission and Vision for youth and the state of South Carolina.
DJJ’s new logo is uniquely identifiable, distinguishing it from juvenile justice agencies in other states. It’s clean and modern, yet tells a complex story. We represent the state of South Carolina as we adopt Indigo Blue as our primary color. Garnet (not to be referred to as “red”) is the secondary color. The Garnet accents are a call-back to the last two decades under our previous logo. It’s a reminder of where we’ve come from as an Agency and what led us here. Through the logo, we acknowledge our history, remain grounded in our Mission, and understand each day is an opportunity to improve. As is the case with the Indigo Blue, the Palmetto Tree “growing” from the first “J” is a reference to the state flag. It’s intentionally part of the “J” that stands for “Juvenile.” Our work centers on the growth and betterment of juveniles and families. We hope for young people to grow into productive citizens, contributing to South Carolina for years to come. The Crescent found on the state flag is punched out of the Palmetto Tree as an added design flourish as we establish our identity within South Carolina.